- California

Debate Club: EPICĀ²
Speech Club: EPICĀ²

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 95.702 Speech Rank Points: 80.594
National Rank: 220th National Speech Rank: 161st
CA Rank: 51st CA Speech Rank: 36th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 68th 22nd 35.995 ✔x12
flag 24th 2nd 13.25 ✔✔
flag 91st 30th 4.516
flag 43rd 8th 7.5 ✔✔
flag 53rd 13th 19.333 ✔x7
flag 147th 39th 13.858 ✔x4
flag 115th 27th 16.558 ✔x4
flag 413th 80th 1.25
flag 615th 114th 0.889

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