- Colorado

Debate Club: WD40
Speech Club: WD40

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 175.113 Speech Rank Points: 130.213
National Rank: 104th National Speech Rank: 94th
CO Rank: 20th CO Speech Rank: 18th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 132nd 20th 17.018 ✔x5
flag 79th 9th 16.27 ✔✔✔
flag 137th 22nd 26.925 ✔x6
flag 4th 2nd 70 ✔x5
flag 59th 5th 19.65 ✔x4
flag 87th 10th 25.3 ✔x4
flag 50th 5th 25.25 ✔x6
flag 79th 7th 32.967 ✔x5

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