- Arkansas

Debate Club: Flame of Truth
Speech Club: Flame of Truth

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 40.254 Speech Rank Points: 24.84
National Rank: 467th National Speech Rank: 477th
AR Rank: 17th AR Speech Rank: 22nd
Event National Rank AR Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 384th 11th 4.537
flag 79th 5th 3.71
flag 270th 15th 3.329
flag 574th 20th 4.774
flag 57th 1st 5.9 ✔
flag 242nd 14th 2.59
flag 165th 9th 11.549 ✔
flag 325th 14th 4.281
flag 467th 22nd 1.059
flag 231st 8th 3.865
flag 289th 14th 5.877 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.