- Arkansas

Debate Club: Rising Eagles
Speech Club: Rising Eagles

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 125.931 Speech Rank Points: 100.395
National Rank: 168th National Speech Rank: 125th
AR Rank: 4th AR Speech Rank: 4th
Event National Rank AR Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 161st 5th 13.75 ✔x4
flag 71st 6th 17.429 ✔✔✔
flag 110th 8th 31.312 ✔x5
flag 114th 4th 7.738 ✔✔
flag 80th 6th 20.958 ✔x5
flag 104th 6th 9.208 ✔
flag 88th 5th 23.9 ✔x4
flag 21st 2nd 66.75 ✔x5
flag 351st 13th 1.636
flag 530th 23rd 1.565

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