- Texas

Debate Club: Prudentia
Speech Club: Prudentia

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 157.327 Speech Rank Points: 17.663
National Rank: 124th National Speech Rank: 626th
TX Rank: 8th TX Speech Rank: 66th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 180th 17th 5.847 ✔
flag 131st 10th 6.466 ✔
flag 123rd 13th 5.35
flag 2nd 1st 128.5 ✔x5
flag 38th 7th 40.902 ✔x5
flag 292nd 25th 2.364
flag 103rd 11th 11.086 ✔✔
flag 162nd 19th 12.911 ✔✔

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