- California

Debate Club: Apollos
Speech Club: Apollos

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 138.695 Speech Rank Points: 87.099
National Rank: 150th National Speech Rank: 150th
CA Rank: 33rd CA Speech Rank: 32nd
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 95th 32nd 23.067 ✔x5
flag 95th 20th 13.524 ✔x4
flag 21st 6th 14 ✔✔✔
flag 118th 24th 29.71 ✔x5
flag 136th 30th 6.798 ✔
flag 89th 22nd 23.5 ✔
flag 474th 112th 1.741
flag 151st 32nd 7.039 ✔
flag 356th 62nd 4.215 ✔
flag 61st 18th 21.057 ✔x4
flag 346th 102nd 1.765
flag 117th 33rd 21.704 ✔x6

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