- Illinois

Debate Club: Aspire Speech and Debate
Speech Club: Aspire Speech and Debate

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 162.851 Speech Rank Points: 62.045
National Rank: 119th National Speech Rank: 230th
IL Rank: 4th IL Speech Rank: 11th
Event National Rank IL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 196th 9th 10.841 ✔✔
flag 38th 2nd 36.167 ✔x5
flag 286th 16th 12.667 ✔✔
flag 253rd 7th 2.37
flag 62nd 3rd 18.806 ✔x4
flag 16th 1st 88.25 ✔x4
flag 5th 2nd 82 ✔x5
flag 55th 3rd 47.904 ✔x5

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.