- Texas

Debate Club: Independent TX
Speech Club: Independent TX

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 38.954 Speech Rank Points: 22.653
Verified Rank Points: 38.954 Verified Speech Rank Points: 22.653
National Rank: 485th National Speech Rank: 521st
TX Rank: 71st TX Speech Rank: 67th
Event National Rank TX Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 367th 47th 7.374 7.374 ✔
flag 159th 29th 8.117 8.117 ✔
flag 195th 23rd 7.162 7.162 ✔
flag 137th 26th 10.69 10.69 ✔✔✔
flag 110th 22nd 14.183 14.183 ✔x5
flag 199th 44th 2.111 2.111
flag 136th 30th 4.708 4.708
flag 172nd 36th 7.869 7.869 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.