- Colorado

Debate Club: LOGOS Colorado
Speech Club: LOGOS Colorado

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 24.238 Speech Rank Points: 13.649
Verified Rank Points: 24.238 Verified Speech Rank Points: 13.649
National Rank: 640th National Speech Rank: 665th
CO Rank: 59th CO Speech Rank: 66th
Event National Rank CO Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 71st 11th 6.875 6.875 ✔
flag 70th 8th 6.774 6.774 ✔
flag 145th 14th 10.589 10.589 ✔
flag 390th 36th 5.376 5.376

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.