- Florida

Debate Club: Waffles
Speech Club: Waffles

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 24.07 Speech Rank Points: 15.859
Verified Rank Points: 24.07 Verified Speech Rank Points: 15.859
National Rank: 644th National Speech Rank: 600th
FL Rank: 20th FL Speech Rank: 19th
Event National Rank FL Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 422nd 20th 1.765 1.765
flag 203rd 14th 4.415 4.415
flag 161st 4th 4.304 4.304 ✔
flag 314th 8th 2.375 2.375
flag 161st 9th 3 3 ✔
flag 237th 12th 5.586 5.586
flag 297th 14th 3.566 3.566
flag 200th 11th 2.625 2.625
flag 428th 14th 1.517 1.517

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.