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Parliamentary Debate Rankings in Veritas Speech and Debate in California

Ranked by total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

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Displaying all 10 entries

Rank Team Name State Debate Club Prelims Overall Verified
Points Top 38%
- 34-8 43-9 110.607 110.607 ✔x8
- 26-8 29-12 51.643 51.643 ✔x6
- 12-10 14-11 28.369 28.369 ✔✔✔
- 19-11 19-12 16.546 16.546 ✔✔✔
- 17-11 18-12 15.617 15.617 ✔✔✔
- 10-12 10-12 6.825 6.825 ✔
- 8-10 8-10 4.785 4.785
- 4-2 4-2 2.941 2.941 ✔