Displaying all 5 entries
Record | |||||||
Rank | Team Name | State | Debate Club | Prelims | Overall | Points | Top 38% |
1st | Julia Downs - Mel Savarese | NM | Tongues of Fire | 29-19 | 35-26 | 34.434 | x5 |
2nd | Simone Savarese - Dillon Tidmore | NM | Tongues of Fire | 12-18 | 14-18 | 12.115 | |
3rd | Seth Weiss - Giselle Weiss | NM | Tongues of Fire | 11-13 | 11-15 | 6.938 | |
4th | Joshua Stewart - Tyler Vencill | NM | Tongues of Fire | 6-6 | 6-6 | 3.25 | |
5th | Marc Cogan - Thea Trejo | NM | Tongues of Fire | 17-19 | 18-21 | 1.105 |