Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in The Patriots in Washington

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Displaying all 33 records

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 358.041
2nd 99.1
3rd 89.868
4th 63.717
5th 27.726
6th 25.922
7th 24.338
8th 21.279
9th 15.531
10th 14.077
11th 11.993
12th 10.813
13th 8.331
14th 8.314
15th 6.432
16th 6.009
17th 5.917
18th 5.752
19th 5.644
20th 4.576
21st 4.564
22nd 4.535
23rd 4.107
24th 3.817
25th 3.046
26th 3.01
27th 2.875
28th 2.55